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Extraordinary Announcement of the Management Board of GENESIS Energy Investment Plc
Extraordinary Announcement of the Management Board of GENESIS Energy Investment Plc

The Management Board hereby informs the shareholders that the Metropolitan Court acting as court of registration with its resolution Cg. 01-10-041020/207 dated 15th July 2010 has registered the capital increase executed by way of a private placement for in kind contribution decided by the annual general meeting of the Company with resolution 6/2010 (IV.19.), in which capital increase the Logical Mining CC, the Pinning Properties CC, the Calypso Mining CC, the Mohikan Development CC, corporations registered in South-Africa and the Vital Source S.A., a company registered in Switzerland have participated. Furthermore the mandate and term of appointment of the members of the Management Board; and the amendment of the Articles of Association of the Company were registered.

According to the registration document the registered capital of the Company is HUF 26,248,386,500, i.e. Twenty-six billion two hundred and forty eight million three hundred and eighty-six thousand and five hundred Hungarian forints, the number of dematerialised registered ordinary shares with a face value of HUF 500 is 52,496,773.

As registered the members of the Management Board from 19th April 2010 to 31st July 2010 are:

• Edward Michael Andrew Mier-Jedrzejowicz, Chairman of the Management Board
• John G. Adair
• Robert L. Kubik
• Herald A.M.A. Janssen
• Dr. Tamás Matarits

The members of the Management Board from 1st August 2010 to 31st July 2013 are:

• dr. Péter Esztó, Chairman of the Management Board
• prof. dr. János Földessy
• dr. Zsolt Edgár Rasztovits
• Gábor Kálmán
• dr. Gábor Rényi
• dr. Béla Fodor
• István Varga
• dr. Henrietta Csécsei
• dr. Tamás Weinzierl

Budapest, 21st of July 2010

For further information please contact:

Jeno Kunovits
Deputy CEO
Genesis Energy Investment Plc.
Szent István krt. 18., Budapest
H-1137 Hungary

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<a href=";isin=HU0000071865">;isin=HU0000071865</a>

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